
Withdrawal and Refund Policy

学生 Refund Policy

公司oming 学生 Questions

你是有账单、入学押金、学费或经济援助问题的新生吗? 请电子邮件 admission@by-fm.com.

学生账户上的学分类型将决定退款方式. 第四章(联邦财政援助)信贷退款按照联邦法规自动处理. If the credit is not from Title IV funds, 学生必须通过学生成功中心(CSS)以书面形式申请退款 css@by-fm.com using their official University of Hartford e-mail account.

请注意,通过在线CASHNet门户网站收到的付款, ACH (electronic check), Credit Card and 国际 Payments, through Western Union or Transact, will be refunded to the original payment source.

Refunds are issued to the student. 然而, 如果创建信用余额的最近付款来自联邦家长PLUS贷款,则退款将发给借款人. Exceptions to this policy are as follows:

  • 家长在MPN上声明学生可以收到退款
  • The parent notifies CSS (css@by-fm.com) that the student can receive payment.

所有学生退款都通过银行移动支付处理, a technology solution, BMTX供电, 公司. 学生s are encouraged to set up their refund preference with BankMobile Disbursements to avoid any delay in receiving their refund.

Federal funds cannot be applied to parking permits, fines or other non-institutional charges without proper consent. 因此,退还第四章的钱可能会在学生的账户上留下未付的余额. Please contact CSS for more information.

您可以进入以下链接查看我们的第三方服务 Contract for Refund Management


为了提取和获得财务信用,你必须联系学生成功中心 css@by-fm.com. Non-attendance does not constitute a withdrawal, 临时缺课的费用不作调整. 如果学生被停学,将不退还任何学杂费, 驳回了, or leaves the University without formally withdrawing.

大学全年承担各种教学和其他服务的合同义务,并根据所有注册学生的全部费用收取其预算. 因此, 大学使用学生以书面形式通知学生成功中心(CSS)或注册办公室的日期来处理学费学分. Credits are issued in accordance with the table below:

如上所述, the withdrawal date used is the date the school is notified, rather than the last day of class attendance. Non-attendance does not constitute withdrawal. 在任何情况下,30美元的注册费和停车许可证将不予退还. 学生, 课程和技术费用在第一周课程结束后不予退还, 因此, are not subject to pro-ration. 获得第四章资助的学生受联邦监管退款政策的约束. 强烈建议获得第四章资金的学生在退出之前联系财务援助办公室,以了解收到这些资金后退出的财务影响.

Residential 住房 Cancellation Policy

Your housing agreement can be viewed at any time on the 住房 Application. 如果您没有访问住房申请的权限,您可以查看 2023-2024 住房协议 在这里.

For the purposes of this policy:

  • An 传入的学生 被定义为在立博体育官网注册第一学期的本科生. 秋季学期的新生被视为春季学期的返校学生.
  • A 返回的学生 被定义为在立博体育官网注册一个或多个学期的本科生.
  • A 研究生 被定义为在立博体育官网注册的研究生.

The Agreement is for the academic year, both fall and spring terms, unless entered into after the fall term has concluded.


Cancelling 住房 – Withdrawing from the Institution

日期 Residential Cancellation Fee
公司oming, Returning, and 研究生 学生s
入学前退课或开学第一天退课(以先到者为准) $0
Withdrawal within the first week of classes $250
Withdrawal within the second week of classes $500
Withdrawal within the third week of classes $750
Withdrawal within the fourth week of classes $1000
Withdrawal after the fourth week of classes Room/Apartment Charge for the Term

Cancelling Only 住房 – Fall

日期 Residential Cancellation Fee 传入的学生 Residential Cancellation Fee Returning and 研究生 学生s
Cancelling prior to July 15 $0 $500
取消7月15日-入住前或开学第一天(以先到者为准) $0 $1000
Cancelling within the first week of classes $250 $1250
Cancelling within the second week classes $500 $1500
Cancelling within the third week of classes $750 $1750
Cancelling within the fourth week of classes $1000 $2000
Cancelling after the fourth week of classes Room/Apartment Charges for the Academic Year Room/Apartment Charges for the Academic Year

Cancelling Only 住房 – Spring

日期 Residential Cancellation Fee SPRING ONLY 公司oming, Returning, and 研究生 学生s Residential Cancellation Fee FULL ACADEMIC YEAR 公司oming, Returning, and 研究生 学生s
Cancelling prior to moving in or the first day of classes $0 Room/Apartment Charge for the Term
Cancelling within the first week of classes $250 Room/Apartment Charge for the Term
Cancelling within the second week of classes $500 Room/Apartment Charge for the Term
Cancelling within the third week of classes $750 Room/Apartment Charge for the Term
Cancelling within the fourth week of classes $1000 Room/Apartment Charge for the Term
Cancelling after the fourth week of classes Room/Apartment Charge for the Term Room/Apartment Charge for the Term

大学 housing requirement 要求全日制本科生在头两年住在校内宿舍,并参加膳食计划, barring outlined exceptions (Section 4).

任何想在学年结束前取消住房协议的居民必须提交一份住房协议取消表. 提交表格并不意味着居民将被批准从协议中释放. 不符合本协议(第7条)一项或多项标准的居民将被收取学期或学年的住宿取消费或房间/公寓费,作为常规计费程序的一部分. 住房取消在向ORL提交住房协议取消表格之日起生效, or the date the room is vacated, whichever is later, if the 住房协议 Cancellation Form is approved.

任何因纪律处分而被赶出房屋的居民, or the community standards process, 学年住宿费不会有任何经济调整吗.

学费 and Meal plans* are based on the following:

Courses of Eight or More weeks Financial Adjustment
Withdrawal prior to and within the first week of classes 100%
Withdrawal within the second week of classes 60%
Withdrawal within the third week of classes 40%
Withdrawal within the fourth week of classes 20%
Withdrawal after the fourth week of classes 0%
Courses of Four to Seven Weeks 学费 Adjustment
Withdrawal prior to and within the first week of classes 100%
Withdrawal within the second week of classes 50%
Withdrawal after the second week of classes 0%
Courses of Three Weeks or Less 学费 Adjustment
Withdrawal prior to the start of classes 100%
Withdrawal after the start of classes 0%

Financial Delinquency

任何学生未能在到期日或之前向大学支付其帐户费用,可能会被排除在所有课程之外, 讲座, 实验室, 考试, co-curricular activities, course registration and graduation until such payment is made. 逾期未付的学生将不会收到成绩单或文凭. 我们鼓励学生在帐户过期后与财务处联系,讨论付款方式. A default charge of 1.如有任何未付余额,可按月收取5%的费用,直至所有费用全部付清为止. If, in the judgment of the University, 有必要聘请催收机构或律师来获得付款, 学生必须支付本金余额15%的额外收款费以及任何律师费, reasonable expenses, and other costs incurred, to the maximum extent allowed by Connecticut law.